CICA’s new NEXTGen Task Force, announced in June of this year, brings the voices of young and new professionals to the planning table. We expect their advice to help CICA provide education and networking, including social networking, that young and new professionals need to advance their careers. The NEXTGen Task Force will begin meeting this summer with recommendations due to CICA this fall.

When I talk with young captive insurance professionals, I am impressed with their passion for our industry. I also hear that, like many of us in the industry today, they did not set out to pursue a career in captive insurance. That is where I believe CICA can play a vital role. CICA has taken a leadership position in rallying the industry to increase our efforts in attracting a robust talent pool and in supporting professional development

Daniel Towle

I included social networking because it plays an important role for today’s insurance young professionals. According to studies of millennials in the insurance industry done by Vertafore, young professionals continue to use social media as a tool to increase brand awareness, build relationships, and more. CICA has actively engaged young professionals in our social media initiatives, and we expect the task force may recommend additional social media strategies to meet their needs.