From: Captive Insurance Times

The role of mentorship has significantly evolved over the last 25 years, according to discussions of the ‘Young professionals: mentorship now more than ever’ forum at the Vermont Captive Insurance Association’s (VCIA) virtual conference.

Speaking at the forum, Daniel Kusaila, tax partner at Crowe, emphasised the role of a mentor is to help you consider your options rather than forcing you to stay at a company, stating that “helping someone get to where they need to be in their careers is far more valuable and fulfilling than anything I can think of”.

Peter Kranz, executive managing director and captive practice leader at Beecher Carlson, added that a mentor should not be a person you look to for definite answers, but rather guidance and advice.

He recommended young professionals in the captive insurance industry identify colleagues they trust and respect in a professional sense to approach for guidance. Kranz added a mentor relationship must occur organically with some level of connection rather than being assigned.

The bottom line is that people want to be asked. Humans naturally love to help other people, so if you think enough of someone to ask for their advice, they will give it to you.”

Thomas Myers, The SyncWave Group

Since mentorship is unique and personal, the dynamic of the mentor and mentee should reflect this, according to Samantha Jones, senior captive analyst at Dynamo Insurance Company, as diversity among colleagues then translates into personalised mentorships.